quarta-feira, 7 de julho de 2021

The Ramones Heard Them Here First

A coletânea The Ramones Heard Them Here First, reune versões originais de 24 faixas regravadas pela lendária banda punk nova-iorquina.

O disco contém as gravações originais de canções como “Surfin’ Bird”, “Do You Wanna Dance”, “Needles and Pins” e inúmeras outras, gravadas pelos Ramones durante toda a sua carreira. O primeiro contato de muitas pessoas com essas composições acabou se dando através das releituras do grupo, o que só atesta a importância da banda na música pop.

Coloquei junto mais 9 petardos:

25 Paul Francis Webster & Robert Harris - Spider-Man Theme

26 Dave Clark Five - Any Way You Want It

27 Creedence Clearwater Revival - Have You Ever Seen The Rain

28 The Who - Substitute

29 The Rolling Stones -  Out Of Time

30 The Boyfriends - I Need Your Love

31 The Animals - When I Was Young

32 Freddy Cannon - Palisades Park

33 The Doors - Take It As It Comes


segunda-feira, 5 de julho de 2021

Ramones - 40th Anniversary Deluxe Edition

A  Rhino Records lançou reedições dos cinco primeiro discos dos Ramones , em comemoração aos 40 anos dos seus respectivos lançamentos.

1976 - Ramones

O primeiro CD trará o som original e remasterizado, além da nova mixagem mono, tudo supervisionado por Craig Leon, produtor original do disco. Já o segundo, Mixagens alternativas, Sobras e Demos, apresentará 18 faixas inéditas, incluindo demos raras das clássicas “I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend”, “Today Your Love, Tomorrow the World” e “Chain Saw”. E por último, o terceiro CD terá foco em duas apresentações ao vivo da banda no Roxy, em West Hollywood nos Estados Unidos, no dia 12 de Agosto de 1976.


1977 - Leave Home

CD 1 que contém duas versões diferentes do álbum - uma remasterizada da versão original e uma nova feita para esta edição pelo engenheiro de som Ed Stasium. 

O CD 2 é preenchido com gravações raras e inéditas. Ele começa com as primeiras versões “cruas” gravadas no estúdio em Nova York Sundragon, oferecendo uma fascinante visão sobre o processo de gravação do álbum e onde já se pode ouvir "Sheena Is A Punk Rocker " e "Babysitter". O disco termina com uma combinação de 18 mixes alternativos e versões instrumentais de todas as faixas do álbum.

O CD3 apresenta uma gravação inédita do concerto da banda no clube CBGB no dia 2 de abril de 1977.


1977 - Rocket To Russia

O primeiro CD incluirá duas mixagens distintas: a remasterização da versão original e uma nova masterização realizada pelo produtor Ed Stasium. Além disso, esses dois mix terão tracklists diferentes. O segundo CD virá com 24 faixas raras e inéditas, enquanto o terceiro disco inclui um show realizado em 19 de dezembro de 1977 no Apollo Centre em Glasgow, na Escócia.


1978 - Road To Ruin

O primeiro CD vem com o áudio remasterizado e uma nova mixagem chamada Road Revisited Mix. O segundo disco traz mais de vinte faixas nunca lançadas, incluindo versões alternativas e duas canções inéditas: "I Walk Out" e "S.L.U.G.". Temos também neste CD 2 um megamix promocional com músicas da banda e que foi utilizado para promover a coletânea Ramones Mania (1988). O terceiro CD vem com um show inédito realizado pelo grupo na virada de 1978 para 1979 no The Palladium, em Nova York.


1979 - Its Alive

“It´s Alive: 40th Anniversary Deluxe Edition” apresenta todos os quatro shows que foram gravados profissionalmente durante a turnê dos Ramones no Reino Unido em dezembro de 1977: “Top Rank, Birmingham” (28 de dezembro de 1977); “Victoria Hall, Stoke-On-Trent” (29 de dezembro de 1977); “Friars, Aylesbury” (30 de dezembro de 1977); e “The Rainbow Theatre, Londres” (31 de dezembro de 1977).


segunda-feira, 28 de junho de 2021

Filosofia Barata

 O caminho é mais importante que o destino.

Jogando o jogo dos poderosos , o Blefe

Eu jogo o jogo com as cartas que me foram dadas , com todo aquele amontoado de regras e dogmas , eu escuto diariamente o discurso vazio , de ódio , de estúpidez intelectual , de preconceito e acima de tudo de defesa da ordem burguesa vigente ,    vou jogando , mas acima de tudo eu finjo bem ,  jogando e fingindo , até aquele momento exato , que eles percebem que eu não faço parte do clube  , mas já é tarde demais ,  joguei até o ponto que eu queria , aproveitei da comida farta e bebida de graça , mas eu nunca realmente me importei com eles . Só joguei e fui embora .

sexta-feira, 4 de junho de 2021

Noites que valeram por uma vida

Sem grana , eu caminhava até o Bom Fim , um caminhar lento e contemplativo , as luzes dos apartamentos todas acessas com a chegada da noite sulista , e eu disposto a me divertir , queimar antes de enferrujar , sem um plano B , sem plano nenhum , eu era jovem , a minha alma não queria salvação , o cheiro acre no ar , um cigarro na boca e uma cerveja na mão , o meu paraiso Punk Rocker  , era tudo o que eu precisava . 

terça-feira, 13 de abril de 2021


Ás vezes uma pessoa vai para um local isolado não com intenção de buscar uma verdade divina, uma epifania. Por mais estranho que pareça, ela não está buscando encontrar-se consigo mesma, ela está fugindo do mundo, para que ninguém mais a encontre, ela foi para um local isolado para não ser encontrada. Simples. Nos resta entender.

Porque o rock é a musica do diabo ?


Nesse documentário sobre o Robert Johnson  ,  é explicado porque o Blues  foi eleito  a musica do diabo. Nada de pactos  ou bruxarias , tudo nasceu de uma questão econômica . Durante os domingos , os negros sulistas se dividiam entre ir a igreja ( em sua maioria as mulheres ) ou frequentar um Bar ( os homens  em quase sua totalidade ) . Beber , jogar conversa fora  , escutar um blues e  o cerne da questão , gastar dinheiro no local. 

Os religiosos , em função do pouco dinheiro circulando nas ofertas dominicais , começaram a pregar contra o blues  para que as mulheres convencessem os homens a largar essa adoração da musica do demõnio.

O Rock and Roll , sendo filho direto do Blues , herdou essa fama também. 

sexta-feira, 9 de abril de 2021

Tudo depende de você

Noite de sexta , benzinho

Eu quero me arrebentar 

contra a parede

me quebrar em mil pedaços

Amanhã de ressaca

eu junto todos os cacos

Porque não fomos feitos pra durar

Não existe espaço 

para pensar "no depois"

É tudo agora

Sou o rei do mundo

Sou um zé ninguém

Tudo depende de você

sábado, 3 de abril de 2021

Cowboys Espirituais - Joe Contra o Vulcão


Relicário do Rock Gaúcho  Apresenta Cowboys Espirituais - Joe contra o Vulcão [2021] - [Lyrics & Coments]

Júlio Reny escreveu a letra num momento de sua vida que coincidiu com o anúncio da pandemia do Corona Vírus [COVID-19] no mundo. A melodia é do Júlio e desenvolvida pelo Lucio Dorfman no inicio de 2019. Canção criada no ano de 2019, gravada e mixada em 2020 e lançada em 2021. É uma canção sobre o tempo em que  vivemos na segunda década do novo século.

Música de Júlio Reny e Lucio Dorfman

Com os Cowboys Espirituais 

Julio Reny - voz e violão

Marcio Petracco - guitarra

Pedro Petracco - baixo

Felipe Conrado Quadros - violão

Lucio Dorfman - teclados

Paulo Arcari - bateria

King Jim - saxofone

Gravado no StudioRock por Paulo Arcari

Mixado por Lucio Dorfman

Lyric Video Reinaldo Portanova

Lançamento abril de 2021

Imagens ilustrativas do filme 'The Omega Man'. A canção retrata um ameaça contra a humanidade e o video do filme, baseado na obra 'Eu sou a Lenda' do romancista Richard Matheson, sobre mutantes sensíveis à luz - da ciência - e que caçam o último homem 'normal' na Terra, comandados por um ex-jornalista de televisão.

'The Omega Man', 1971

Direção: Boris Sagal

Adaptação de: I Am Legend

Distribuição: Warner Bros. Pictures

Relicário do Rock Gaúcho


Visite nossa FanPage no facebook


Esse blog , é um blog anarquista

O Anarquismo, apesar de suas muitas variantes nada mais é do que um sistema de filosofia social, que sugere mudanças básicas na estrutura da sociedade e, principalmente – pois esse é o elemento comum a todas as formas de anarquismo, a substituição do estado autoritário por alguma forma de cooperação não-governamental entre indivíduos livres.

É muito estranha esta nossa adoração dos exemplos, modelos, dos ídolos. Não queremos o que é puro, verdadeiro em si mesmo; queremos intérpretes, exemplos, mestres, gurus, para, por seu intermédio, alcançarmos alguma coisa – e tudo isso é puro absurdo, um meio de explorar a outros. Se cada um de nós fosse capaz de pensar claramente desde o começo, ou de reeducar-se para pensar claramente, todos esses exemplos, mestres, gurus, sistemas, se tornariam completamente desnecessários, como realmente são.

– J.Krishnamurti

Quem detém o poder abusa dele; eis por que é preciso impedir toda tomada do poder, seja por um partido, seja por indivíduos, pois ela sempre conduz a uma nova escravidão para o povo. Que isso se passe sob o signo do cetro, ou da foice e do martelo (…) não há, no fundo, grande diferença. Uma verdadeira libertação só é possível quando o aparelho do poder desaparece, pois o monopólio do poder não é menos perigoso do que aquele da propriedade.

– Rudolf Rocker, Trecho do livro “Os Sovietes traídos pelos Bolcheviques”

O que significa “ser governado”?

Ser governado significa ser observado, inspecionado, espionado, dirigido, legislado, regulamentado, cercado, doutrinado, admoestado, controlado, avaliado, censurado, comandado; e por criaturas que para isso não tem o direito, nem a sabedoria, nem a virtude… Ser governado significa que todo movimento, operação ou transação que realizamos é anotada, registrada, catalogado em censos, taxada, selada, avaliada monetariamente, patenteada, licenciada, autorizada, recomendada ou desaconselhada, frustrada, reformada, endireitada, corrigida. Submeter-se ao governo significa consentir em ser tributado, treinado, redimido, explorado, monopolizado, extorquido, pressionado, mistificado, roubado; tudo isso em nome da utilidade pública e do bem comum. Então, ao primeiro sinal de resistência, à primeira palavra de protesto, somos reprimidos, multados, desprezados, humilhados, perseguidos, empurrados, espancados, garroteados, aprisionados, fuzilados, metralhados, julgados, sentenciados, deportados, sacrificados, vendidos, traídos e, para completar, ridicularizados, escarnecidos, ultrajados e desonrados. Isso é o governo, essa é a sua justiça e sua moralidade! … Oh personalidade humana! Como pudeste te curvar à tamanha sujeição durante sessenta séculos?

Aquele que botar as mão sobre mim, para me governar, é um usurpador, um tirano. Eu o declaro meu inimigo.

-Pierre Proudhon, primeiro teórico a se declarar anarquista de forma clara e explicita

por “prestígio” e “crédito”.

“Acreditamos que a maioria dos males que afligem os homens decorre da má organização social; e que os homens, por sua vontade e seu saber, podem fazê-los desaparecer.

A sociedade atual é o resultado das lutas seculares que os homens empreenderam entre si. Desconheceram as vantagens que podiam resultar para todos da cooperação e da solidariedade. Viram em cada um de seus semelhantes (exceto, no máximo, os membros de sua família) um concorrente e um inimigo. E procuraram açambarcar, cada um por si, a maior quantidade de prazeres possível, sem se preocuparem com os interesses alheios.

Nesta luta, é óbvio, os mais fortes e os mais afortunados deviam vencer, e, de diferentes maneiras, explorar e oprimir os vencidos.

Enquanto o homem não foi capaz de produzir mais do que o estritamente necessário para sua sobrevivência, os vencedores só podiam afugentar e massacrar os vencidos, e se apoderar dos alimentos colhidos.

Em seguida – quando, com a descoberta da pecuária e da agricultura, o homem soube produzir mais do que precisava para viver – os vencedores acharam mais cômodo reduzir os vencidos à servidão e fazê-los trabalhar para eles.

Mais tarde, os vencedores acharam mais vantajoso, mais eficaz e mais seguro explorar o trabalho alheio por outro sistema: conservar para si a propriedade exclusiva da terra e de todos os instrumentos de trabalho, e conceder uma liberdade aparente aos deserdados. Estes, não tendo os meios para viver, eram obrigados a recorrer aos proprietários e a trabalhar para eles, sob as condições que eles lhes fixavam.

Deste modo, pouco a pouco, através de uma rede complicada de lutas de todos os tipos, invasões, guerras, rebeliões, repressões, concessões feitas e retomadas, associação dos vencidos, unidos para se defenderem, e dos vencedores, para atacarem, chegou-se ao estado atual da sociedade, em que alguns homens detêm hereditariamente a terra e todas as riquezas sociais, enquanto a grande massa, privada de tudo, é frustrada e oprimida por um punhado de proprietários.

Disto depende o estado de miséria em que se encontram geralmente os trabalhadores, e todos os males decorrentes: ignorância, crime, prostituição, definhamento físico, abjeção moral, morte prematura. Daí a constituição de uma classe especial (o governo) que, provida dos meios materiais de repressão, tem por missão legalizar e defender os proprietários contra as reivindicações do proletariado. Ele se serve, em seguida, da força que possui para arrogar-se privilégios e submeter, se ela pode fazê-lo, à sua própria supremacia, a classe dos proprietários. Disso decorre a formação de outra classe especial (o clero), que por uma série de fábulas relativas à vontade de Deus, à vida futura, etc, procura conduzir os oprimidos a suportarem docilmente o opressor, o governo, os interesses dos proprietários e os seus próprios. Daí decorre a formação de uma ciência oficial que é, em tudo o que pode servir os interesses dos dominadores, a negação da verdadeira ciência. Daí o espírito patriótico, os ódios raciais, as guerras e as pazes armadas, mais desastrosas do que as próprias guerras. O amor transformado em negócio ignóbil. O ódio mais ou menos latente, a rivalidade, a desconfiança, a incerteza e o medo entre os seres humanos.

Queremos mudar radicalmente tal estado de coisas. E visto que todos estes males derivam da busca do bem-estar perseguido por cada um por si e contra todos, queremos dar-lhe uma solução, substituindo o ódio pelo amor, a concorrência pela solidariedade, a busca exclusiva do bem-estar pela cooperação, a opressão pela liberdade, a mentira religiosa e pseudocientífica pela verdade.

Em conseqüência:

1) Abolição da propriedade privada da terra, das matérias-primas e dos instrumentos de trabalho – para que ninguém disponha de meio de viver pela exploração do trabalho alheio –, e que todos, assegurados dos meios de produzir e de viver, sejam de fato independentes e possam associar-se livremente, uns aos outros, no interesse comum e conforme as simpatias pessoais.

2) Abolição do governo e de todo poder que faça a lei para impô-la aos outros: portanto, abolição das monarquias, repúblicas, parlamentos, exércitos, polícias, magistraturas e toda instituição que possua meios coercitivos.

3) Organização da vida social por meio das associações livres e das federações de produtores e consumidores, criadas e modificadas segundo a vontade dos membros, guiadas pela ciência e pela experiência, liberta de toda obrigação que não derive das necessidades naturais, às quais todos se submetem de bom grado quando reconhecem seu caráter inelutável.

4) Garantia dos meios de vida, de desenvolvimento, de bem-estar às crianças e a todos aqueles que são incapazes de prover sua existência.

5) Guerra às religiões e todas as mentiras, mesmo que elas se ocultem, sob o manto da ciência. Instrução científica para todos, até os graus mais elevados.

6) Guerra ao patriotismo. Abolição das fronteiras, fraternidade entre todos os povos.

7) Reconstrução da família, de tal forma que ela resulte da prática do amor, liberto de todo laço legal, de toda opressão econômica ou física, de todo preconceito religioso.

Tal é o nosso ideal.”

– Errico Malatesta

“Não, não temos receio em dizer, queremos fazer homens tendo na independência intelectual sua força suprema, e que jamais se submeterão seja lá ao que for. Capazes de discernir o que é bom, aspirando viver mil vidas em uma só. A sociedade teme tais homens e não se deve esperar dela que um dia apoie uma educação capaz de produzi-los.”

– Francisco Ferrer 

“Assim, sob qualquer ângulo que se esteja situado para considerar esta questão, chega-se ao mesmo resultado execrável: o governo da imensa maioria das massas populares se faz por uma minoria privilegiada. Esta minoria, porém, dizem os marxistas, compor-se-á de operários. Sim, com certeza, de antigos operários, mas que, tão logo se tornem governantes ou representantes do povo, cessarão de ser operários e por-se-ão a observar o mundo proletário de cima do Estado; não mais representarão o povo, mas a si mesmos e suas pretensões de governá-lo. Quem duvida disso não conhece a natureza humana.”

— Mikail Bakunin

“As ruínas não nos assustam nenhum pouco. Vamos herdar a terra. Não há menor dúvida quanto a isso. A burguesia pode derrubar e converter em ruínas seu próprio mundo antes que abandone a cena da história. Levamos um mundo novo em nossos corações, um mundo que está crescendo neste instante.”

— Buenaventura Durruti

“Permita que a razão governe o homem e ele não se atreverá a transgredir contra seus semelhantes, mas fará a eles o que quer que lhe tenham feito. Pois a razão lhe diz que, se o vizinho está hoje faminto e nu, é preciso alimentá-lo e vesti-lo, pois talvez isso aconteça contigo amanhã e então ele estará pronto a ajudar-te.”

– Liev Tolstói 

sexta-feira, 2 de abril de 2021

1001 discos de blues e soul


Nessas minhas andanças nas pradaria virtuais descobri um tesouro perdido , a caixa de pandora , o site http://theblues-thatjazz.com/ , com talvez o maior acervo de discos de Blues & Soul da rede , horas e horas de downloads lotaram mais uma vez o meu HD . 

Sweet Soul Music 1961 -1975


VA - Sweet Soul Music 1961+1962


VA - Sweet Soul Music 1963+1964


VA - Sweet Soul Music 1965+1966


VA - Sweet Soul Music 1967+1968


VA - Sweet Soul Music 1969+1970


VA - Sweet Soul Music 1971+1972


VA - Sweet Soul Music 1973+1974


VA - Sweet Soul Music 1975


B.B. King - Ladies & Gentlemen...Mr. B.B.King


Riley B. King (September 16, 1925 – May 14, 2015), known professionally as B.B. King, was an American blues singer, electric guitarist, songwriter, and record producer. King introduced a sophisticated style of soloing based on fluid string bending and shimmering vibrato that influenced many later electric blues guitarists. B.B. King is one of America's few, long-standing musical treasures whose stature has grown to an unassailable, international level.

Ladies and Gentlemen... Mr. B.B. King is a box set compilation album by B. B. King. It traces King's career from his first singles for Bullet Records in 1949 to material his last recorded album in 2008. Crowdfunded by Pledge Music in 2012, it was available in a full ten-disc box exclusive through Amazon.com, and a four-disc "highlights" box available everywhere else. People who pledged money also got a digital copy of the out-of-print 1975 album Lucille Talks Back. Both versions of the box are physically out of print; the four disc edition is bundled along with Lucille Talks Back digitally, although this version removes King's first single.

Celebrating his 50th Anniversary signing to ABC-Paramount Records in 1962 we bring you this multi-format career retrospective.

KEY FEATURES:- Two CDs chronicling his early years on Bullet, Modern/RPM and Kent/Crown Records, Eight CDs chronicling his recording achievements on ABC-Paramount, ABC Bluesway, ABC, ABC/Impulse, MCA and Geffen Records, as well as high profile collaborations. Highlights include key recordings from every ABC/MCA/Geffen era album. Rare, non-album singles, Rare album tracks, Rare One Touch EP tracks, Collaborations with Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton, U2,Elton John, Robert Cray, Etta James, Bonnie Raitt, Gary Moore, Bobby Blue Bland, and others. Enjoy his wonderful set.

B.B. King - Ladies & Gentlemen...Mr. B.B.King [2012] CD01 Three O'Clock Blues 1949-1956


B.B. King - Ladies & Gentlemen...Mr. B.B.King [2012] CD02 Rock Me Baby 1957-1962


B.B. King - Ladies & Gentlemen...Mr. B.B.King [2012] CD03 How Blue Can You Get 1962-1966


B.B. King - Ladies & Gentlemen...Mr. B.B.King [2012] CD04 Why I Sing The Blues 1967-1969


B.B. King - Ladies & Gentlemen...Mr. B.B.King [2012] CD05 The Thrill Is Gone 1969-1971


B.B. King - Ladies & Gentlemen...Mr. B.B.King [2012] CD06 Lucille Talks Back 1971-1977


B.B. King - Ladies & Gentlemen...Mr. B.B.King [2012] CD07 When It All Comes Down 1978-1983


B.B. King - Ladies & Gentlemen...Mr. B.B.King [2012] CD08 When Love Comes To Town 1985-1993


B.B. King - Ladies & Gentlemen...Mr. B.B.King [2012] CD09 Blues Man 1993-1999


B.B. King - Ladies & Gentlemen...Mr. B.B.King [2012] CD10 Key To The Highway 2000-2008


quinta-feira, 1 de abril de 2021

Story Of Jamaican Music (Tougher Than Tough)


A superlative introduction to the world of Jamaican music, Tougher Than Tough is a treasure trove of information, filled with unforgettable music. Across four discs and 95 songs, this set spans the entire history of the island's vibrant music scene, hitting all the major stylistic bases along the way, and rounding up many of Jamaica's greatest artists. It's evident that a great amount of thoughtful time and effort went into this package and, although collectors will howl at the many omissions and some of the selections, this set wasn't intended for them, but for a general audience interested in beginning to explore the music more deeply. With that in mind, the package includes a lushly illustrated 65-page booklet written by Steve Barrow (author of The Rough Guide to Reggae), who provides an exceptionally lucid historical overview. The rest of the booklet offers information on every track, including producer, composer, and release date. The music itself is sequenced chronologically, allowing the listener to chart the myriad of stylistic changes over the years. Disc one begins in 1958 with the Folkes Brothers' "Oh Carolina," arguably the first ever proto-ska release, cut during producer Prince Buster's first ever recording session. It continues through the rise of pure ska and through the shift to rocksteady. Disc two concentrates on the reggae years and the rise of the DJs, while the third is given over entirely to roots. The final disc brings things bang up to date, following the trajectory of the dancehalls. The set comes full circle with the final track, Shaggy's smash hit cover of "Oh Carolina." From rude reggae to ragga, dulcet vocal groups to dueling DJs, The Story of Jamaican Music is indeed just that. Of course, there's a wealth of equally masterful music that didn't make the cut, and the booklet discusses a multitude of songs not included. But this is history 101; hopefully, students will continue their studies on their own. ( AllMusic Review by Jo-Ann Greene)

VA - The Story of Jamaican Music [1993] CD1 Forward March 1958-1967


VA - The Story of Jamaican Music [1993] CD2 Reggae Hit the Town 1968- 1974


VA - The Story of Jamaican Music [1993] CD3 Natty Sing Hit Songs 1975- 1981


VA - The Story of Jamaican Music [1993] CD4 Dance Hall Good To We 1982- 1993


Aretha Franklin - The Atlantic Singles Collection 1967-1970


The music should need no introduction to all right-thinking people. Aretha provided a large part of the soundtrack to most of our lives, and you should already be familiar with many of the tracks included on this new double CD collection. The Atlantic Singles Collection 1967-1970 does now make a fine tribute to an outstanding artist and covers what many would consider to be her her golden era. As others have mentioned what we have on this new CD double disc set are the mono singles masters of this material, and these are the versions we would have heard on the radio back at the time, rather than the stereo album mixes. The mono mixes pack a lot more power and will blast out of the centre of your stereo speakers when you crank up the volume...  The mono sound is clear and punchy, very detailed, allowing more of the music to flow through and allow us to revel in the glories of Aretha's voice and the excellence of the backing bands and singers. (Amazon)

Aretha Franklin - The Atlantic Singles Collection 1967-1970 [2018] CD1


Aretha Franklin - The Atlantic Singles Collection 1967-1970 [2018] CD2


Elvis Presley - The Complete 1954-1962 USA Singles


This box of 4CDs includes 100 titles that represent the complete American singles and EPS Elvis Presley published between 1954 and 1962. These titles appear in chronological order of their publication. This box of 4CDs is accompanied by a detailed booklet of 20 pages with information fed on the titles included, as well as rare photographs and archival documents.

Elvis Presley - The Complete 1954-1962 USA Singles [2015] CD1+Booklet


Elvis Presley - The Complete 1954-1962 USA Singles [2015] CD2


Elvis Presley - The Complete 1954-1962 USA Singles [2015] CD3


Elvis Presley - The Complete 1954-1962 USA Singles [2015] CD4


James Brown - The Singles 1956 - 1981


Here are 11 double CD collections of James Browns singles covering the period 1956 - 1981. This is an excellent coverage of James' single hits in order of release, including studio demos and alternate takes and features all 7" single releases, including re-issues and canceled singles. All of the volumes are incredible if you are a big time James Brown fan. you see how far he came as an artist and where he was going. The Grooves never let up and neither does Jame Brown. It was great he got to see this unfold before his untimely passing. He is missed, but his great works are timeless.  A must have for any James Brown fan, even if you have everything else.

James Brown - The Singles Volume 01 1956-1960 [2006] CD1+CD2


James Brown - The Singles Volume 02 1960-1963 [2006] CD1+CD2


James Brown - The Singles Volume 03 1964-1965 [2006] CD1+CD2


James Brown - The Singles Volume 04 1966-1967 [2006] CD1+CD2


James Brown - The Singles Volume 05 1967-1969 [2008] CD1+CD2


James Brown - The Singles Volume 06 1969-1970 [2009] CD1+CD2


James Brown - The Singles Volume 07 1970-1972 [2009] CD1+CD2


James Brown - The Singles Volume 08 1972-1973 [2009] CD1+CD2


James Brown - The Singles Volume 09 1973-1974 [2010] CD1+CD2


James Brown - The Singles Volume 10 1979-1981 [2011] CD1+CD2


James Brown - The Singles Volume 11 1979-1981 [2011] CD1+CD2


Atlantic Soul Legends, 20 Original Albums From The Iconic Atlantic Label


It won't take long for Atlantic collectors to work out that the last three titles in this box set are not just welcome additions to any Soul/Jazz collection - but two are seeing the CD light-of-day for the first time anywhere.

1. RAY CHARLES - What'd I Say (1959 )

2. BOOKER T & THE M.G.s - Green Onions (1962)

3. BEN E. KING - Don't Play That Song! (1962)

4. SOLOMON BURKE - If You Need Me (1963)

5. RUFUS THOMAS - Walking The Dog (1964)

6. THE DRIFTERS - Under The Boardwalk (1964)

7. DON COVAY and THE GOODTIMERS - Mercy! (1964)

8. OTIS REDDING - Otis Blue: Otis Redding Sings Soul (1965)

9. WILSON PICKETT - In The Midnight Hour (1965)

10. PERCY SLEDGE - When A Man Loves A Woman (1966)

11. SAM & DAVE - Hold On, I'm Coming (1966)

12. BAR-KAYS - Soul Finger (1967)

13. EDDIE FLOYD - Knock On Wood (1967)

14. ARTHUR CONLEY - Sweet Soul Music (1967)

15. WILLIAM BELL - The Soul Of A Bell (1967)

16. ARETHA FRANKLIN - Lady Soul (1968)

17. DONNY HATHAWAY - Everything Is Everything (1970)

18. CLARENCE WHEELER & THE ENFORCERS - Doin' What We Wanna (1970)

19. HOWARD TATE - Howard Tate (1972)

20. SAM DEES - The Show Must Go On (1975)

VA - Atlantic Soul Legends CD01-CD05


VA - Atlantic Soul Legends CD06-CD10


VA - Atlantic Soul Legends CD11-CD15


VA - Atlantic Soul Legends CD16-CD20


The British Invasion, History Of British Rock


 9 x CD's

Rhino's nine-volume British Invasion: The History of British Rock is the most exhaustive and essential overview of '60s British pop/rock available. Although the collection doesn't include tracks from the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, the Who, Herman's Hermits, the Dave Clark Five, and the early Animals, their absence doesn't hurt the series, since it spotlights several artists who never had more than a handful of hits, plus many forgotten gems. And there are plenty of major acts here, as well: The Kinks, the Small Faces, the Yardbirds, Donovan, the Hollies, the Zombies, the Spencer Davis Group, the Searchers, Manfred Mann, and Them are all represented by their best-known tracks. The collection runs from the beginnings of Merseybeat to the aftermath of psychedelia, meaning that it chronicles the evolution of British pop/rock quite effectively. But The History of British Rock shouldn't be thought of as simply an educational overview of one of the most vital eras of pop; each volume is fun and exciting, and sounds more like a good time than a history lesson. The series is one of the cornerstones of any comprehensive pop/rock collection. (AllMusic Review by Stephen Thomas Erlewine)

VA - The British Invasion, History Of British Rock [1988] Vol.1+2+3


VA - The British Invasion, History Of British Rock [1988] Vol.4+5+6


VA - The British Invasion, History Of British Rock [1991] Vol.7+8+9


quarta-feira, 31 de março de 2021

VA - Blues Masters Volumes 01 - 17 (51 x CD's)


VA - Blues Masters Vol 01 [2012] CD01+CD02+CD03


VA - Blues Masters Vol 02 [2012] CD04+CD05+CD06


VA - Blues Masters Vol 03 [2012] CD07+CD08+CD09


VA - Blues Masters Vol 04 [2012] CD10+CD11+CD12


VA - Blues Masters Vol 05 [2012] CD13+CD14+CD15


VA - Blues Masters Vol 06 [2012] CD16+CD17+CD18


VA - Blues Masters Vol 07 [2012] CD19+CD20+CD21


VA - Blues Masters Vol 08 [2012] CD22+CD23+CD24


VA - Blues Masters Vol 09 [2012] CD25+CD26+CD27


VA - Blues Masters Vol 10 [2012] CD28+29+30


VA - Blues Masters Vol 11 [2012] CD31+CD32+CD33


VA - Blues Masters Vol 12 [2012] CD34+CD25+CD36


VA - Blues Masters Vol 13 [2012] CD37+CD38+CD439


VA - Blues Masters Vol 14 [2012] CD40+CD41+CD42


VA - Blues Masters Vol 15 [2012] CD43+CD44+CD45


VA - Blues Masters Vol 16 [2012] CD46+CD47+CD48


VA - Blues Masters Vol 17 [2012] CD49+CD50+CD51



CD1: B.B. King

CD2: Blind Willie Johnson, Tommy Johnson, Skip James

CD3: Magic Sam, Jimmy McCracklin

CD4: John Lee Hooker, Wynonie Harris

CD5: Jimmy Reed, Otis Rush

CD6: Johnny Guitar Watson, Big Joe Williams

CD7: Muddy Waters, Junior Wells

CD8: Big Bill Broonzy, Blind Blake

CD9: Little Willie John, Smiley Lewis

CD10: Robert Johnson

CD11: Elmore James, Lonnie Johnson

CD12: Bukka White, Josh White

CD13: Howlin' Wolf

CD14: Little Walter

CD15: Richard Berry, Barbecue Bob

CD16: Bo Diddley

CD17: Percy Mayfield, Johnny Moore's Three Blazers

CD18: Champion Jack Dupree, Cousin Joe

CD19: Buddy Guy, Arthur "Hardrock" Gunter, Slim Gaillard

CD20: Memphis Minnie, Big Maybelle

CD21: Leroy Carr & Scrapper Blackwell, Pee Wee Crayton

CD22: Lightnin' Hopkins

CD23: Roosevelt Sykes & Son House

CD24: Snooks Eaglin & Sleepy John Estes

CD25: T-Bone Walker & Jimmy Witherspoon

CD26: Charley Patton & Snooky Pryor

CD27: Lowell Fulson & The Four Blazes

CD28: LeadBelly

CD29: Professor Longhair & Junior Parker

CD30: Alberta Hunter & Ivory Joe Hunter

CD31: Bessie Smith

CD32: Sonny Boy Williamson I & II

CD33: Furry Lewis & Robert Lockwood Jr.

CD34: Screamin' Jay Hawkins & Earl Hooker

CD35: Big Joe Turner & Eddie Cleanhead Vinson

CD36: Roy Milton & Amos Milburn

CD37: Robert Nighthawk & Johnny Otis

CD38: Clarence 'Gatemouth' Brown & Blue Lu Barker

CD39: Big Maceo & Blind Willie McTell

CD40: Mississippi Fred McDowell & Mississippi John Hurt

CD41: Lightnin' Slim & J.B. Lenoir

CD42: Jimmy Rushing & Tampa Red

CD43: Big Mama Thornton & Sister Rosetta Tharpe

CD44: Sunnyland Slim & Johnny Shines

CD45: Huey 'Piano' Smith & Frankie Lee Sims

CD46: Willie Dixon & Floyd Dixon

CD47: Kokomo Arnold & Billy Boy Arnold

CD48: Sonny Terry & Eddie Taylor

CD49: Memphis Slim & Tommy McClennan

CD50: Bobby 'Blue' Bland & Charles Brown

CD51: Sippie Wallace & Peetie Wheatstraw

Velvet Underground - Peel Slowly And See


The Velvet Underground has grown over the years to be recognized as the most groundbreaking band of the '60s, and this 5-CD set is a shattering testament to their greatness and Lou Reed's genius. On its 5 CDs are newly remastered versions of all four of their studio albums (with The Velvet Underground presented in its alternate, "closet" mix version), plus-hold on-25 unreleased tracks, including 11 demos with John Cale and one without, seven Loaded outtakes and six live performances, plus other rarities plucked from VU and Another View.

This comprehensive five-disc retrospective of the Velvet Underground chronicles the band from its earliest demo tapes, recorded in 1965, to Lou Reed's final work with band, in 1970. At their notorious peak, Reed, John Cale, Sterling Morrison, and Mo Tucker epitomized the sound of intellectual art punks being spontaneously creative in Andy Warhol's Manhattan. Rock & roll has never been the same since Reed's gutter-rock observations and Cale's cool, droning electric viola blanketing the band's mysterious three-chord innovations. It's all here: loads of feedback, classic songwriting, and Reed's transformation from Dylan imitator to sonic-rock auteur. With previously unreleased gems, live performances, and other oddities, this is everything you wanted to know about the Velvets but were afraid to ask. Essential listening. 

Velvet Underground - Peel Slowly And See  [1995] CD1+CD2


Velvet Underground - Peel Slowly And See  [1995] CD3+CD4


Velvet Underground - Peel Slowly And See  [1995] CD5


Johnny Cash - Original Sun Singles '55 - '58


Johnny Cash was a genius; and his earlier songs like these recorded on Sun Records prove he had what it took from an early age at that! Johnny sang with a lot of passion and genuine emotion; and I'm very impressed. The quality of the sound is excellent and the artwork is very nicely done.  There's tons of fine music here; we get twenty-four tunes on this great CD and that's very good. The track set starts with "Cry! Cry! Cry!" Johnny does this faultlessly and his voice is nice and strong. Terrific! Of course, Johnny's "Folsom Prison Blues" was a big number that made the airwaves sizzle; and "So Doggone Lonesome" is another song that Johnny aces as effortlessly as if it were mere breathing. Of course, we know it really wasn't all that easy; Johnny's talent always carried him through. In addition, I could never tire of hearing Johnny's "I Walk the Line;" and that percussion is very creative!  "Get Rhythm" showcases Johnny squarely front and center--right where he belongs! Ballads like "There You Go;" "Next in Line;" Give My Love to Rose" and more also show Johnny's excellent singing with a fantastic guitar arrangement that enhances the melody even more.  "You're the Nearest Thing to Heaven" is a most romantic love song--what a performance Johnny gives of this song! It's charming even in our times. "The Ways of a Woman in Love" shines bright; and I also like "I Just Thought You'd Like to Know;" "It's Just About Time;" "Thanks a Lot" and "Forgot to Remember to Forget." "Luther Played the Boogie" is one of my very favorites on this album; and all this leaves me wanting more--lots more! This is a great introductory CD for anybody just discovering the artistry and talent of Johnny Cash; these Sun Records recordings have been lovingly transferred to CD for us to enjoy over and over again. In addition, Johnny Cash fans should get add this to their collections if they don't have this already. This album is even very good for people interested in the very early beginnings of modern day rock and roll. (Amazon)

Johnny Cash - Original Sun Singles '55 - '58 [2009]


VA - Sound System, The Story Of Jamaican Music [2012] (8 x CD's)


To mark the 50th anniversary of Jamaican independence, Island Records released a huge box set entitled Sound System – The Story Of Jamaican Music. The box set featured 8 x CDs and a deluxe hard-backed book written by acclaimed writer Chris Salewicz (author of biographies of Bob Marley and Joe Strummer, and Rude Boy – Once Upon A Time In Jamaica). It also contains hundreds of photos by legendary photographer Adrian Boot. Compiled by Ramus (who worked with Chris Blackwell at Island, Mango and Palm Pictures) and Paul ‘Groucho’ Smykle (influential dub producer who worked with PiL, Grace Jones, David Bowie, Jah Wobble, and BAD), Sound System features 128 songs randomly programmed to replicate the way a Sound System DJ might select his set on any given night. It features a wonderfully eclectic mix of R&B, mento, ska, blue beat, reggae, dub and funk and celebrates the incredible musical gift this small island has given to the world.  Sound System is a snapshot of Jamaican culture, the soundtrack you would hear on jukeboxes, ghetto blasters and on every radio station if you drove across Jamaica. From Althea & Donna’s global hit "Uptown Top Ranking" to Eric Donaldson’s "Cherry O Baby" via Augustus Pablo’s peerless "King Tubby Meets The Rockers Uptown" and The Royals’ "Free Speech And Movement" there’s something for everyone here. (Amazon)

VA - Sound System, The Story of Jamaican Music [2012] CD1+CD2


VA - Sound System, The Story of Jamaican Music [2012] CD3+CD4


VA - Sound System, The Story of Jamaican Music [2012] CD5+CD6


VA - Sound System, The Story of Jamaican Music [2012] CD7+CD8


VA - Stax '68: A Memphis Story [2018] (5 x CD's)


2018 marked the 50th anniversary of a pivotal year for Stax Records and for American history: 1968. This period immediately follows the untimely passing of Otis Redding; it is the year that Stax parted ways with Atlantic Records, and it's also when Martin Luther King was assassinated in Memphis. This 5-disc CD box set compiles every single (A- and B- sides) released on Stax and its subsidiary labels in '68 over 120 iconic songs from era-defining artists, including Otis Redding, Staple Singers, William Bell, Booker T. and the M.G.'s, Carla Thomas, Johnnie Taylor, Albert King, Isaac Hayes, Linda Lindell, Rufus Thomas and many more.

VA - Stax '68 A Memphis Story [2018] CD1


VA - Stax '68 A Memphis Story [2018] CD2


VA - Stax '68 A Memphis Story [2018] CD3


VA - Stax '68 A Memphis Story [2018] CD4


VA - Stax '68 A Memphis Story [2018] CD5


VA - 100% Blaxploitation ( 2009 )


Blaxploitation or blacksploitation is an ethnic subgenre of the exploitation film that emerged in the United States during the early 1970s. The films, while popular, suffered backlash for disproportionate numbers of stereotypical film characters showing bad or questionable motives including criminals, etc. However, the genre does rank among the first in which black characters and communities are the heroes and subjects of film and television, rather than sidekicks or villains or victims of brutality. The genre's inception coincides with the rethinking of race relations in the 1970s. Blaxploitation films were originally aimed at an urban African-American audience, but the genre's audience appeal soon broadened across racial and ethnic lines. Hollywood realized the potential profit of expanding the audiences of blaxploitation films across those racial lines. The Los Angeles National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) head and ex-film publicist Junius Griffin coined the portmanteau from the words "black" and "exploitation." Variety credited Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song and the less radical, Hollywood-financed film Shaft (both released in 1971) with the invention of the blaxploitation genre. Blaxploitation films were also the first to feature soundtracks of funk and soul music. (Wikipedia)

2009 five CD set. 100% Blaxploitation brings together 100 original Funk and Soul tracks from the 1970s Blaxploitation era. Including cuts from Curtis Mayfield, Bobby Womack, The Meters, Aaron Neville and Funkadelic, 100% Blaxploitation is an essential collection, with every funky Soul classic you'll ever need.

VA - 100% Blaxploitation [2009] CD1+CD2+CD3


VA - 100% Blaxploitation [2009] CD4+CD5


terça-feira, 30 de março de 2021

To The Outside Of Everything, A Story Of UK Post Punk 1977-1981


Named after a lyric from Magazine’s ground-breaking hit, ‘Shot By Both Sides’, TO THE OUTSIDE OF EVERYTHING tells a musical story of how the UK’s post-punk scene evolved from the spirit of 1977 and the arrival of key labels such as Fast, Rough Trade, Zoo, Factory and Cherry Red.

This box set starts in in 1977 and takes you up to 1981 that still after 40 years of being a big fan sounds stupid! What was going on in the Kk starting in 1977 was actually happening a few years earlier but prior to 1977 it was called GARAGE/ACID ROCK, anyway by 1977 there was so much going on in the UK outside of the damned and sex pistols there was just really no name to put on it, PUNK was the year in 1977 UK but there where a lot of other things happening as by 1977 I think many fans where getting tired of the prog rock situation that had dominated starting around 1968/69 as well as blues hard rock. I was time for something new and Punk was it but you also got a lot of other experimental bands coming along and the times where starting to change not just in the UK but New York, LA, Amsterdam & Stockholm, as I have many 45s and great punk or as they call it post punk records from that era. Regardless this great remastered cd box set sounds fantastic and gives you 5 discs of great Punk & Experimental rock bands that started in 1977 in the UK, there is so much great timeless music here and a wonderful book to go with this set. There are so many great NON household named bands here. If that was your thing 40 years back dont pass up on this Box Set.

VA - To The Outside Of Everything, A Story Of UK Post Punk 1977-1981 [2017] CD1


VA - To The Outside Of Everything, A Story Of UK Post Punk 1977-1981 [2017] CD2


VA - To The Outside Of Everything, A Story Of UK Post Punk 1977-1981 [2017] CD3


VA - To The Outside Of Everything, A Story Of UK Post Punk 1977-1981 [2017] CD4


VA - To The Outside Of Everything, A Story Of UK Post Punk 1977-1981 [2017] CD5


Girls With Guitars Volumes 1+2+3


VA - Girls With Guitars [2004]   -   Great ACE Records collection of sixties garage rock bands. There's a rawness to these recordings, that makes one think of the punk explosion about ten years later. These bands were given short shrift in the media, and you wonder why radio DJ's didn't pay more attention. The male dominated industry made me believe that the only girl groups were The Supremes, The Ronettes or The Shangri-La's; as much as I admire them. I don't think I'd heard a female rock artist until Suzi Quatro and later The Runaways came to the fore. (Joni Mitchell was still folksy before turning to jazz-rock). These bands sound very sixties, very garage, very enjoyable. 

VA - Destroy That Boy! More Girls With Guitars 1965-68 [2009]   -   A 2009 collection of '60s gems recorded by some of the finest (and oft-overlooked) female bands of the era. So you thought the Shangri-Las were a piece of work?! Destroy That Boy! Is a riot of bodacious all-girl bands, femme frat-rock, axe-backed babes and other similar females of the species from the 1963-1970 timescale. This follow-up to Girls With Guitars is another blast of raunchy, cool, and sometimes just-plain-odd rock from a diverse assortment of women. Like its predecessor, this disc shines a light on a too-little-known area of pop music. The obscurity of some of these tracks makes this collection essential for anyone doing serious studies of the history of popular music. But this a fun disc, and there's excellent notes and photos too. Get it and have a blast!

VA - The Rebel Kind Girls with Guitars 3 [2014]   -   This is the third volume in this on-going series from Ace Records that focuses on "girls with guitars" groups.  If you aren't familiar with this series, the first two volumes are: "Girls With Guitars", and "Destroy That Boy! More Girls With Guitars". All three volumes have good/great sides of girls rocking out from the late 60's. This volume is as good overall as the previous two volumes. The sound is very good, clean and fairly crisp without losing that slight vinyl warmth. This set collects sides--the majority in mono from groups from the U.K., U.S., New Zealand, Germany and Japan. Fans may recognize some of these groups/singers like Goldie & The Gingerbreads, Brenda Lee, Ace Of Cups, The Chymes, and maybe one or two more. But the majority are little known or completely unknown to most music fans. The style is mostly a beat/pop sound, with some soul/r&b mixed in here and there. Also here are instrumentals by The Chantels (yes, with singer Arlene Smith of "Maybe" fame--one of the greatest "girl group" singles ever), and (the only non-60's track here by) The Delmonas, which fits in pretty well with this compilation. 


VA - Psychedelic Rock Is In My Head


Psychedelic rock is a diverse style of rock music inspired, influenced, or representative of psychedelic culture, which is centred around perception-altering hallucinogenic drugs. Psychedelic rock is intended to replicate and enhance the mind-altering experiences of psychedelic drugs, most notably LSD. Many psychedelic groups differ in style, and the label is often used indiscriminately. Originating in the mid-1960s among British and American musicians, the sounds of psychedelic rock invokes three core effects of LSD: depersonalization, dechronicization, and dynamization; all of which detach the user from reality. Musically, the effects may be represented via novelty studio tricks, electronic or non-Western instrumentation, disjunctive song structures, and extended instrumental segments.  (Wikipedia)

Although they shared some similar aesthetics and production techniques, British Psychedelia was quite different than its American counterpart. In general, British psychedelia was either more whimsical or artily experimental than its American counterpart, plus it tended to work within the pop song structure. This is not a hard-and-fast rule, however. No matter how many concise, pop singles they released, Pink Floyd still stretched out dramatically on stage, taking songs into uncharted territory with each performance. However, these general rules do more or less apply, particularly to the studio recordings of British psychedelic acts. (AllMusic)

This set of tracks was inspired by the Record Collectors publication of the top 100 psych albums list as they appear in the book "Record Collector 100 Greatest Psychedelic Records - High Times and Strange Tales from rock's most mind-blowing era". The list only includes releases of LPs and singles that are from British  artists. They are presented here in chronological order from 1966 to 1970. (Note: Jimi Hendrix is included due to his UK recordings and having a UK backing band). Additionally, where a whole album has been named in the list then I have picked a track for this compilation that best fits and/or represents a true psychedelic experience.

VA - Psychedelic Rock Is In My Head Volume  CD1 


VA - Psychedelic Rock Is In My Head Volume  CD2 


VA - Psychedelic Rock Is In My Head Volume  CD3 


VA - Psychedelic Rock Is In My Head Volume  CD4 


NME C86, C87, C88, C89 Deluxe Edition Box Sets

[2014 - 2018] (12 x CD's)

C86   -   Back in May/June 1986, the New Musical Express released one of their regular mail-order cassettes. Reflecting the latest trends in Indie music, C86 was a 22-track cassette which was inspired by the NMEs C81 tape from half a decade earlier. Aside from a few name bands (The Pastels, Primal Scream, the Wedding Present, the Mighty Lemon Drops), most acts were relatively unknown beyond the back pages and gig listings of the weekly music press. A few hadn't even issued a record! C86 slowly but surely became the NME's best-selling ever compilation, selling an estimated 40,000 copies and eventually being reissued on LP and cassette by Rough Trade the following year. C86 prompted a week of shows at the ICA and would come to embody a whole musical style and era. This deluxe expanded edition of the original C86 cassette adds some 50 bonus tracks. The box set is curated by original compiler Neil Taylor and has the endorsement of the NME. Neil has chosen tracks which could conceivably have been on the original C86 package: all the recordings were made between mid-1985 and mid-1986. Neil wrote about many of the bands at the time.

C87   -   To celebrate the 30th anniversary of C86, we’re now proud to announce a sequel, in the shape of C87! Imagine if the NME had reconvened a year on from their original compilation? Well, that’s the inspiration for another 70+ tracks, ranging from well-known indie names to obscurities.None of the selections on C87 have been available on any of Cherry Red’s recent compilations. All tracks were recorded and/or released in the year or so following C86 (i.e. summer 1986 to the end of 1987). Disc 1 boasts bands whose first recordings were made in 86/87. Some of them – The House Of Love, The Shamen, The Darling Buds, The Inspiral Carpets, Cud, etc. – later enjoyed chart success. Others have since enjoyed cult status,including Kitchens Of Distinction, whose debut B-side ‘Escape!’ appears here for the first time; The Boy Hairdressers, who would soon evolve into Teenage Fanclub; The Vaselines, who were covered by Nirvana; and The Sea Urchins, who christened Sarah Records with the classic ‘Pristine Christine’. Discs 2 and 3 revisit many of the bands who graced the original C86 cassette, checking in on later recordings by the likes of The Bodines, The Wedding Present, Miaow, The Servants, The Wolfhounds, Mighty Mighty and McCarthy.

C88   -   is another celebration of the Eighties Indie scene, documenting a golden era when tuneful guitar-based bands made records on shoestring budgets, often issued on small labels with hand-made artwork, with little hope of mainstream exposure. ?This 3-CD box set follows previous best-selling collections C86 (2014) and C87 (2016). C86 expanded the NME?s genre-defining compilation (initially a cassette, later a vinyl LP on Rough Trade) with 50 extra tracks from the period. C87 was an imaginary sequel, picking up the story a year later. ?Disc 1 is devoted to artists who haven?t previously graced this series, who ? for the most part ? first made an impact in 1988. The Stone Roses, Carter USM, Pale Saints and The Mock Turtles would all enjoy mainstream success. Others like The Pooh Sticks, The Man From Delmonte, Bridewell Taxis were cult indie favourites. ?Sarah Records ? which came to epitomise a certain type of Indie Pop ? are represented by The Orchids, Another Sunny Day, The Sea Urchins and The Poppyheads (whose ?Cremation Town? debuts on CD here). Other key indie labels also figure, such as Creation (Apple Boutique, Pacific, The House Of Love, Emily), 53rd & 3rd (The Groovy Little Numbers, The Vaselines) and The Subway Organization (The Clouds, Rodney Allen, The Flatmates, Bubblegum Splash, etc.).

C89   -    is another celebration of the Eighties Indie scene, documenting a golden era when tuneful guitar-based bands made records on shoestring budgets, often issued on small labels with hand-made artwork, with little hope of mainstream exposure. This 3-CD box set follows previous best-selling collections C86 (2014), C87 (2016) and C88 (2017). C86 expanded the NME's genre-defining compilation with 50 extra tracks from the period. C87 and C88 were the imaginary sequels, picking up the story as the 1980s unfolded. Disc 1 is devoted to artists who haven't previously graced this series, who first made an impact in 1988/1989. Carter The Unstoppable Sex Machine, The La's, Milltown Brothers, The Family Cat and The Telescopes were among the indie scene's biggest names that year. Disc 2 revisits many of the bands who appeared on C88, with later singles or B-sides by The Stone Roses, Mock Turtles, Pooh Sticks, The Man From Delmonte, Bridewell Taxis, Popguns, etc... Sarah Records - which came to epitomise a certain type of Indie Pop - are represented by Brighter, The Orchids, Another Sunny Day and Christine's Cat. Other key indie labels also figure, such as Creation (The Revolving Paint Dream), Bristol's The Subway Organization (Korova Milk Bar, Choo Choo Train), Manchester's Playtime (The Rainkings, New Fast Automatic Daffodils), Sheffield's Native (Treebound Story, featuring Richard Hawley, and The Snapdragons), Brighton's La-Di-Da (Daisycutters, Bobby Scarlet, How Many Beans Make Five, Said Liquidator) and Liverpool's Pink Moon (Barbel, The DaVincis, Jactars). C89 also includes two previously unissued tracks..New names to the series include The Bardots, The Seers, Po!, The Ammonites, The Ogdens, Kit, The Candy Darlings, Jane Pow, Rorschach, etc. Several names feature personnel from notable bands, such as post-Razorcuts act Red Chair Fadeaway, post-Chameleons quartet The Sun And The Moon and post-La's combo The Onset. Numerous tracks have never been on CD before. (Amazon)

VA - C86 [2014] CD1+CD2


VA - C86 [2014] CD3


VA - C87 [2016] CD1+CD2


VA - C87 [2016] CD3


VA - C88 [2017] CD1+CD2


VA - C88 [2017] CD3


VA - C89 [2018] CD1+CD2


VA - C89 [2018] CD3.


VA - Alligator's Crucial Blues Series


[2003-2007] (9 x CD's)

A well-composed collection, which aims to show all the achievements of the gramophone company published by him, in our time weighs a lot - and tries to move into an understandable music lover with experience a state called a cult collection. And such a sensible blues collection weighs even more. Fortunately, the management of Alligator Records in the person of President Bruce Eiglauer and Vice President Bob DePuh - not just professionals, but also music fans, not at all lost passion for the subject of their business.

And if so, on such "bragging" collections they selected only the most dynamic and winning-sounding material, which is once again proof - "Last Dirty Deal" By Coco Motoya and "Hound Dog Man" By Lonnie Mack and Stevie Ray Vaughan with "... Crucial Rockin' Blues." No unrealized or boring compositions - the task of such CDs and is to captivate the buyer who is not yet particularly interested in the products of the company and, you see, turn it into a fan of their own artists - and there, of course, and in buyer of their albums. It is now very easy to fall under the spell of Alligator artists - with the release of the collections presented here, the total number of these artifacts of the series "Crucial Blues" has increased to nine. And even if you are not a fan of modern blues in all its possible forms and substyles - such albums are indispensable in the CD-collection of any self-described cultural person.

VA - Crucial Blues CD1+CD2+CD3


VA - Crucial Blues CD4+CD5+CD6


VA - Crucial Blues CD7+CD8+CD9


Northern Soul's Classiest Rarities


Vol.01 to Vol. 06  ( 2001-2017 )  6 cds

Kent might actually be underselling itself by titling this collection Northern Soul's Classiest Rarities. That leads listeners to expect yet another anthology of generic mid-tempo mid-'60s American soul singles that have somehow come to be worshiped as choice rarities in England's Northern soul scene. These tracks are from the '60s (and occasionally from the early '70s), they are rare, and they do go for absurdly high prices among Northern soul collectors. Actually, however, these form a more diverse CD than the usual Northern soul anthology, with a good number of decent, lushly produced ballads and harmonized soul-pop efforts along with the expected dancefloor filler. Some of the songs from the early half of the '60s have pleasing traces of doo wop and girl group sounds, too. Listeners are still not going to know who many of these people are unless they're one of those collectors, with some exceptions: there's a 1962 single by Joe Simon, a rarity by the Delfonics, and items by cult soul vocalists Clifford Curry and Bettye Swann. More surprisingly, there are a couple of blue-eyed soul ringers by Charlie Rich (whose "Don't Tear Me Down" is a fine and convincing cut with unexpected chord changes) and Jimmy Seals, the latter the same dude who was half of Seals & Crofts. The singles were done all over America, and although there's an absence of lost classics, it's pleasurable listening. Sometimes it's more than that, as with Karmello Brooks' "Tell Me, Baby," with its jazzy hue and dense but rocking strings; Clifford Curry's "Ain't No Danger," which holds up well when stacked next to the Temptations' tougher, late-'60s cuts; Pat Powdrill's infectious up-tempo "Do It"; and the Joytones' "This Love That I'm Giving You," with its dreamy harmonies and uptown orchestration.  (AllMusic Review by Richie Unterberger)

VA - Northern Soul's Classiest Rarities Vol.01+02


VA - Northern Soul's Classiest Rarities Vol.03+04


VA - Northern Soul's Classiest Rarities Vol.05+06


VA - The Sound Of Funk ( 2000 - 2005 )


10 Cd's

If you like uncut funk, you'll love this compilation of obscure '70s funk sounds from artists like Leroy & the Drivers, Sons of Slum, and Jake Wade & the Soul Searchers. Funny names aside this is good potent funk, not the self-contained funk band stuff that owned a piece of the charts in the '70s but harder, wicked tracks that would make James Brown and Dyke (of the Blazers) proud. You'll think you're listening to James Brown when "Let the Groove Move You" by Gus "the Groove" Lewis cues and starts spinning; you'll swear Bootsy Collins was playing the hyper basslines, and Lewis has Brown's grunts and groans down pat. Frank Williams must have been schooled at Dyke & the Blazers University because that's who he sounds like on "You Got to Be the Man," spirited horns signifying every line Williams sings. "Everything's Gonna Be Alright" by Robert Moore is straight from the Charles Wright & the Watts 103rd Street Band book of funk and is similar to "Express Yourself."

Women can funk too, as Spanky Wilson proves on "You," a funky riff with some good shout/singing. Other funkers include Dave "Baby" Cortez & the Happy People's "Happy Soul," "The Tramp Part 1" by the Showmen, Inc., "Jan Jan" by Detroit's Fabulous Counts, and "Iron Leg" by Mickey & the Soul Generation. Though most of the artists are unknown, the familiar rhythms, riffs, horn play, use of backing vocals, drum patterns, and basslines aren't. Collectors and casual fans alike can appreciate this one, funk is funk, no matter who's singing it, and a grunt is a grunt is a grunt. (AllMusic Review by Andrew Hamilton)
